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Youth  Empowerment Programs

At  OCA APAA NE, we’re ready for something better, our transformative Youth Empowerment Movement will mobilize people from all over to take action and create a meaningful and lasting impact.

Our goal is to be an impactful Youth Empowerment Movement led by members of the community. We are inspired by the belief that everyday people can shape and mold a society where everyone can achieve their true potential.

We encourage everyone to play their part in our Youth Empowerment Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within, and we want to empower you to take an active role. Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.


In 2021, we welcomed 12 high school students to participate in the first annual leadership conference! The first meeting started in September with guest speakers, Professor Andrew Leong of UMASS BOSTON and Detective Lieutenant  Anthony Dear of the Massachusetts State Police. 

This year, we kicked off our new program on Sept. 16th where OCA National Executive Director Thu Nguyen welcomed the group and was the keynote for the youth groups. 

Youth Leadership Council

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It was with great pleasure we welcomed 6 summer interns to our chapter's internship program. The students spent the summer working on various projects


Our marketing intern, Matt Mok created social media postings, marketing material and promoted projects for our chapter.

​Our youth Development Interns, Chloe Christen, Justin Mok and Tabitha Lam created a plan to recruit members for youth empowerment programs. 


Devin and Ryan Dear are youth programs interns who are working on special projects our chapter are developing localling with community partners. They are involved in planning the agendas and directly contacting  potential speakers and guests.


Internship Program

Coming soon...


M-OCA Mentorship Program

Each and every one of us can play an important role in helping an AAPI youth. If you’re an active leader interested in supporting us, whether by lending support to a younger friend, or sharing your experiences with an individual, get in touch to find out about the special opportunities for you to make a real difference in the life of someone in need of support. The mentorship program will strive to foster meaningful life-long relationships. 

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